The NeuroLight Optoelectrode is a customizable electrode for applications including optogenetics where a microdrive, such as the MPM System from New Scale Technologies, is used for fine positioning. These optoelectrodes have recording sites and precisely defined µLEDs (10 x 15 µm), allowing for simultaneous recording and local optogenetic stimulation. Image courtesy NeuroLight (via Plexon)
Novel electrode technology from NeuroLight is supported by New Scale’s MPM System
The combination of in vivo extracellular recording and genetic-engineering-assisted optical stimulation is a powerful tool for the study of neuronal circuits. The common practice today is to employ two separate devices: an LED or laser optical stimulator coupled to an optic fiber implanted into the brain and a silicon probe with recording electrodes.
It would be ideal if a single probe could accommodate light sources in the vicinity of the high-density recording electrode arrays. This compact configuration would provide the capability to electrically record the activity of sets of neurons at high spatial resolution, while optically stimulating a portion of the recorded neurons.
Researchers at the University of Michigan have developed such a microLED Optoelectrode device called NeuroLight, which is being distributed worldwide by Plexon Inc..
New Scale Technologies has designed a prototype probe mount for using the NeuroLight probe with our Multi-Probe Micromanipulator (MPM) System. Camelia Zheng (Fontanini Lab, Stony Brook) is working with us to evaluate and test this probe mount using the NeuroLight probe and New Scale MPM System in the Fontanini Lab.
Learn more
The Multi-Probe Micromanipulator (MPM) System – position multiple neural probes in the smallest space
Optogenetics and the Multi-Probe Micromanipulator – including work at Stanford (Deisseroth Lab), Carnegie Mellon (Hong Lab), and the Allen Institute

Prototype probe mount for NeuroLight probes on New Scale’s Multi-Probe Micromanipulator (MPM) System