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Probe Mounts for imec NEUROPIXELS Silicon Probes

Neuropixels 2.0 Probe Mount with Headstage

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Designed for imec’s Neuropixels silicon probes, New Scale’s probe mounts enable fast and safe mounting onto the manipulator stages of an MPM Multi-Probe Micromanipulator System. MPM probe mounts are designed to fit as many silicon neural probes into the tightest possible spaces for acute in-vivo recording in electrophysiology and optogenetic research.


Now available, the new Neuropixels 2.0 probe and mount offers:

  • Smaller and lighter form factor compared to Neuropixels 1.0, enabling denser recordings in animal models
  • Higher density recording via 4-shank probes that provide up to 5120 recording sites, suitable for capturing activity from hundreds of neurons simultaneously
  • Precise positioning of up to eight Neuropixels 2.0 probes with a standard MPM system, or up to 25 probes with our new Modular Insertion System (MIS)

We carefully listened to your feedback about our last mount for the NP2 alpha probe, and made several improvements.

Easier and faster to connect and disconnect from the M3-LS linear stage – uses alignment pins and one captured Philips head screw

  • The materials are non-reflective to minimize reflections from microscope lighting or interference during optogenetics experiments
  • The probe mount is now thinner and no longer requires shimming, due to it gripping the probe’s metal dovetail cap.

Reminder, if you plan to use our mount with your MPM system, please ensure you order the NP2.0 probe from imec with the metal dovetail cap.

Download the Neuropixels 2.0 technical brochure. Neuropixels probes are sold separately and are not included with our probe mounts.

Neuropixels probe images below are courtesy of imec.


The MPM-Probe Mount-1As probe mount holds one Neuropixels 1.0 probe.  By clamping the probe PCB, this holder maximizes the number of probes that can be used in a small space and minimizes the potential for collisions. An alignment fixture simplifies probe alignment. See the step-by-step guide.

NeuroNexus, Cambridge Neurotech Probes, and More

In addition to imec Neuropixels probe mounts, we offer holders for NeuroNexus and Cambridge Neurotech probes, syringes, and custom probes. We also offer holders for position optical fibers used in optogenetics. Ask us how we can help.

Reference Probes: Safe Pre-Alignment During Setup

All probe mounts come with a steel reference probe to minimize risk of damage to delicate silicon probes while setting up experiments. Use the reference probe while making initial adjustments of the MPM System manipulator arms, using the VCS software to determine probe angles and insertion paths. Once the manipulator arms are in place, simply swing each arm up to replace the reference probe with a silicon probe. Return the arm to its target position using the repeatable stops.

CAUTION – this steel reference probe is extremely sharp to emulate the small silicon probe tip! Handle with care!


Learn more

The MPM System is the only micro-manipulator designed specifically for silicon neural probes, including Neuropixels 2.0 probes.


Contact us or one of our partners for more information.