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New Scale Technologies has released a new white paper describing the use of M3 Smart Modules – or “embedded micro motion devices” – in systems for extended reality (XR) applications.

Embedded micro motion devices are solving challenges that are not addressed by MEMS devices or conventional opto-mechanical systems in the XR market.

Established applications include moving optics for imaging and display systems in an XR headset. Emerging applications include the use of micro motion to create high-definition haptic feedback.

M3 modules in XR systems support:

  • Wearable comfort with optimized size, weight and power (SWaP).
  • Visual comfort to prevent headaches and other negative side effects of near-eye displays.
  • Haptic feedback for a more immersive experience.

All-in-one smart modules fit in the smallest space, reduce total cost, and are easy to integrate. They help system designers bring products to market faster in the XR market, which encompasses augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR) and virtual reality (VR).

Learn more about how M3 Modules are used in XR applications, and download the white paper


Technical Review By

Stefan Friedrich

Marketing Manager